Secret Agent Man

by Johnny Rivers

Written by P.F. Sloan and Steve Barri

There’s a man who lives a life of danger.
To every one he meets he stays a stranger.
With every move he makes
another chance he takes;
Odds are he won’t live to see tomorrow.

Secret agent man, secret agent man,
They’ve given you a number
and taken ’way your name.

Beware of pretty faces that you find;
A pretty face can hide an evil mind.
Be careful what you say,
you’ll give yourself away.
Odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow.

Secret agent man, secret agent man,
They’ve given you a number
and taken ’way your name.

3. (Instrumental)

Secret agent man, secret agent man,
They’ve given you a number
and taken ’way your name.

Swinging on the Riviera one day;
And then layin’ in a Bombay alley next day.
Oh, no, you let the wrong word slip
while kissing persuasive lips.
The odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow.

Secret agent man, secret agent man,
They’ve given you a number
and taken ’way your name.

Links to the Show "Secret Agent/Danger Man"

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Last updated: February 05, 2004 by Tony McQuilkin.

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