HESEA presents
The Hughes Choir
Vocal Music of the Past
May 18, 19, and 20, 1983
R1 Auditorium
- Middle Ages--Sacred: Rex caeli (anon., ca. 850)
- Middle Ages--Secular: Sumer is icumen in (anon., ca. 1240)
- Renaissance--Sacred mass: "Kyrie eleison" from Missa
Brevis (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, ca. 1582)
- Baroque--Sacred: "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" from Cantata
No. 147 (Johann Sebastian Bach, ca. 1726)
- Classical--Oratorio: "Thanks Be to God" from Elijah
(Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, ca. 1847)
- Romantic--Opera: "Entrance of the Toreador" from Carmen
(Georges Bizet, ca. 1875)
- Romantic--Comic Opera: Two Selections from H.M.S. Pinafore
(Arthur Sullivan, ca. 1878)
- "I Am the Captain of the Pinafore"
- "I Am the Monarch of the Sea"
- 20th Century--Operetta: Selections from The Merry Widow
(Franz Lehár, ca. 1905)
- 20th Century--Musical Comedy: "Oklahoma" from Oklahoma!
(Richard Rodgers, ca. 1943)
- 20th Century--Rock Opera: "Memory" from Cats
(Andrew Lloyd Webber, ca. 1981)