The Notables-Cast
- Angie Asch
- Jerry Bennett
- Patty Bennett
- Nancy Brennan
- Sue Brennan
- Susane Button
- Jan Chastain
- Wendy Cleverly
- Ed Fletcher
- Garry Frank
- Kathy Gardner
- Carol Gogan
- George Jackson
- Heidi Johnson
- Tony McQuilkin
- Colleen Okida
- Peter Palmer
- Donna Stogryn
- Michael Thorpe
- Lee Viale
- Pamela Wrona
The Band
- Gabe Berghouse, Bass
- Sandy Nitchman, Percussion
- Anne Dufur, Orchestrations
- Patty Breitag, Keyboard
- Angie Asch
- Jerry Bennett
- Jerry Hatch
- Wendy Cleverly
- Paula Kelley
- Jackie May
Production Staff
- Producers: Pauline & Lyle Stoltenberg
- Director: Paula Kelley
- Lighting: Mike Neary
- Follow Spot: Laura Joseph
- Sound: Chuck Chastain, Dennis Taylor
- Set Design: Doug Carlson
- Set Construction: Doug Carlson, Laura Joseph
- Set Painters: Sally Palm, Edith Harris
- Costume Coordinators: Sue Brennan & Nancy
- Photographer: Tom Bell
- Videographer: Steve Stogryn
- Program & Flyer: Pamela Wrona
- MBCC Liaison: Sharon Cascadden
- Ticket Sales: Nancy & George Jackson
- Refreshments: MBCC Shipmates
***Special thanks to Lyn Coulter, The Aerospace
Players, and
Maria Cohen of Kentwood Players for costuming assistance.