The Notables
Joslyn Performance
June 18, 2002
Program (excerpts from Torrance Symphony FUNdraiser, June 8, 2002)
- When the Saints Go
Marching In (arr. John Rutter) [chorus]
- Get Happy (1930: w. Ted
Koehler; m. Harold Arlen)
from the musical show Nine-Fifteen Review; used
in the film Summer
Stock (1950) [Mary; Paula, Janine; chorus]
- Good Morning (1939: w. Arthur
Freed; m. Nacio
Herb Brown), from the film Babes
in Arms [Donna, David E, Jerry]
- Take Me to the World (1966: wm. Stephen
Sondheim), from the TV production Evening
Primrose [Paula]
- Sequence from Carousel,
including "If I Loved You" (1945: w. Oscar
Hammerstein II; m. Richard
Rodgers) [Ed & Donna]
- Sequence from The
Wizard of Oz (1939: w. E. Y.
Harburg; m. Harold Arlen)
- Over the Rainbow [Mary S]
- If I Only Had a Brain [Roy, Bryan, John F; Mary
- Shenandoah (arr. Ed
Lojeski) [choir]
- Old Dan Tucker [chorus;
dancers: Jerry, Janine; Roy, Donna; Bryan McC, Dale;
David E, Sue]
- Big River Medley
(1985), by Roger
Miller [chorus]
- Waitin' for the
Light to Shine
- Worlds
Apart [solo: Melissa M]
- Hand for the Hog
[solo: Nick]
- Muddy Water
- Free at
Last [solo: Gary C]
Chorus should be dressed "country": for men, cut-off
or rolled up jeans or overalls; rolled up shirt; straw hats; work
boots (no cowboy boots); for women, long dress (with aprons) or
prairie dress
The Notables
- Lola Adamson
- Melissa Albers
- Theresa Alsup
- Janine Anderson
- Nancy Arnold
- Heidi Beeks
- Jerry Bennett
- Michelle Bishop
- Connie Boswell
- Sue Brennan
- Diana Brownson
- Betty Calame
- Doug Carlson
- Sharon Cascadden
- Gary Crandall
- David Ellings
- Bill Evans
- Ed Fletcher
- John Flick
- Garry Frank
- Kathy Gardner
- Brian Grzelewski
- David Hattrup
- Mary Hornickel
- Nick Hrobak
- Patty Jarvis
- Paula Kelley
- Dale Korman
- Howard Korman
- Pete Levonian
- Melissa Matthias
- Bryan McCrary
- Betty McElmell
- Tony McQuilkin
- Don Norton
- Gene Ogle
- Colleen Okida
- Roy Okida
- Joan Parker
- Joan Perkins
- Joe Powe
- Chauncey Robertson
- Kathy Rudolph
- Barbara Scales
- Andrea Schnare
- Mary Schwalbe
- Randall Schwalbe, Director
- Cindy Stadler
- David Stephens
- Donna Stogryn
- Lee Viale
- Jane Wang
- Pamela Wrona
- Jan Wyckoff
- June Young, Pianist