The Notables - Caroling 1999

Reminder: for those doing caroling, meet at Joan's house.

Dress: jeans with a red sweatshirt. If you don't have a red sweatshirt - something "Christmassy". For Thursday evening you may also need a turtleneck underneath or a scarf.

Thursday, December 9 at 5:15 p.m.: We will be singing at the Farmers' Market on the 300 block of Main Street and at some of the restaurants and businesses on the 400 block from approximately 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Since we will be walking down the center of the street it may be pretty dark, so bring a small flashlight.

Saturday, December 11 at 10 a.m.: we will be walking the 200, 300, and 400 blocks of Main Street and a couple of blocks of  Grand Avenue (gotta stop by the Bakery!) We may get to
Richmond Street if time allows.

Thanks again for donating your precious time.


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Last updated: May 28, 2007 by Tony McQuilkin.